The Difference Between “Al-Mudajjinah” and Ahl al-Sunnah in Matters of Creed and Conduct
The Origin of the Term “Al-Mudajjinah”
The term “Al-Mudajjinah” refers to a group of individuals who initially identified as Salafis but were influenced by studying under Ash’arite scholars or aligning with their figures. This led them to defend the Ash’arites, justify their doctrinal errors, and downplay the significance of the differences with them. Their stance is often ambiguous and lenient toward innovators and, at times, even toward clear acts of disbelief.
Key Traits of Al-Mudajjinah
Defending Innovators:
Al-Mudajjinah tend to justify the views of Ash’arites and others who deviate from the creed of Ahl al-Sunnah, under the pretense of fairness to the opposition.
They attempt to discredit Ahl al-Sunnah by labeling them as extreme or rigid.
Inciting Revolts and Armed Conflict:
Many Al-Mudajjinah advocate for revolts against rulers, which leads to chaos and bloodshed, in stark contrast to the methodology of Ahl al-Sunnah wal-Jama’ah, which calls for patience and stability.
Unjustified Takfir and Permitting Bloodshed:
Al-Mudajjinah accuse their opponents of disbelief without clear evidence, such as labeling them as intelligence agents or condemning them for residing in Western countries, equating them with disbelievers.
They consider the blood of those they declare disbelievers to be lawful, contrary to Ahl al-Sunnah, who do not permit such acts and instead leave the matter to the scholars and rulers. If no scholars or rulers act, the judgment is left to Allah.
Labeling Ahl al-Sunnah as “Hadadis”:
One of the prominent methods Al-Mudajjinah use to tarnish the image of Ahl al-Sunnah is to label them as “Hadadis.”
This label is specifically directed at those who adhere to the Salafi creed, particularly regarding affirming Allah’s attribute of al-Hadd (limit), which Al-Mudajjinah misconstrue as extremism.
Affirming al-Hadd for Allah is a well-established position of the Salaf. It signifies Allah’s transcendence, elevation, and distinctness from His creation without likening Him to His creation or delving into specifics. It is not a belief associated with any newly formed group called “Hadadis.”
The Position of Ahl al-Sunnah
Ahl al-Sunnah wal-Jama’ah are known for their balanced and clear methodology in matters of creed, rulers, and opponents:
Moderation in Creed and Conduct:
Ahl al-Sunnah strictly adhere to the methodology of the Salaf, avoiding extremism and unjustified takfir.
Rules of Takfir:
They consider takfir (declaring someone a disbeliever) a serious matter. While it is necessary to clarify the condition of someone who deviates in order to distinguish truth from falsehood, the responsibility of judging someone as a disbeliever lies with scholars and rulers.
Ahl al-Sunnah do not declare someone a disbeliever unless there is clear, undeniable evidence of disbelief that contradicts the core tenets of faith.
Affirming Allah’s Attribute of al-Hadd:
Ahl al-Sunnah affirm al-Hadd as part of Allah’s transcendence and distinctness from His creation, based on the understanding of the Salaf.
Imam Ibn al-Mubarak said: “We believe that Allah is above His creation, distinct from them, and with a limit that only the ignorant deny.”
Labeling Ahl al-Sunnah as “Hadadis” is a distortion of facts, as affirming al-Hadd is a position firmly rooted in the creed of the Salaf and not an innovation of any new group.
The Difference Between Al-Mudajjinah and Ahl al-Sunnah
Ahl al-Sunnah wal-Jama’ah
Defend innovators and Ash’arites under the pretense of fairness.
Expose the errors of innovators and warn against them.
Advocate for revolts and armed conflict against rulers.
Avoid inciting revolts and advocate for reform through Islamic methodology.
Make unjustified takfir of opponents.
Consider takfir a serious matter, only pronounced based on clear evidence.
Permit the bloodshed of those they declare disbelievers.
Do not permit bloodshed; they leave judgment to scholars and rulers or to Allah.
Label Ahl al-Sunnah as “Hadadis” to tarnish their reputation.
Affirm Allah’s attributes, including al-Hadd, according to the methodology of the Salaf.
Al-Mudajjinah are a group characterized by leniency toward innovators, incitement to chaos, unjustified takfir, and permitting the bloodshed of those they accuse of disbelief.
They attempt to tarnish the reputation of Ahl al-Sunnah by calling them “Hadadis,” a baseless accusation aimed at discrediting the Salafi creed.
Ahl al-Sunnah wal-Jama’ah firmly adhere to the creed of the Salaf, affirming Allah’s attributes, including al-Hadd, in a manner befitting His majesty, without distortion or anthropomorphism.
“There is nothing like unto Him, and He is the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing” (Ash-Shura: 11). “And hold firmly to the rope of Allah all together and do not become divided” (Aal-Imran: 103).